Friday, 27 July 2012


There is "small creativity" - a crochet scarf, an unusual way of mending a sock, an improvised decoration of an interior. Such things need the context (a sock, an interior, etc).
So-called "modern art" (mostly conceptual) takes these things out of the context, blow them up, and create a "concept" - a "story" which is usually printed and placed on the left of the object in an art gallery.
Modern art substitutes a context with a concept. The result is a comatose item on life support.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

After heavy rain

After Heavy Rain

Viking Cat (Pippa)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

step forward

Начала копировать, вернее, штудировать с кистью в руках, образцы икон. Тяжко, но захватывает. После трехмесячного перерыва рука и ум деревянные.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012