Thursday, 27 October 2016

The Mass of TOB

My previous paper on the current Theology of Body (TOB) movement (hereafter referred to as West-TOB, after the name of its leading ideologist), ‘A pure gaze of lust’, was the outcome of my attempts to understand why my encounter with it was so destructive to my prayer life and especially to my relationship [or attachment?] with Jesus Christ. I rationalized in the end of that paper that the major reason for this was the West-TOB’s profanation of the most sacred, of the love of God for a human soul, via muddling the sacred with what they call “bold talk about sex”:

I have been into Carmelite spirituality for some time now, with St John of the Cross being my spiritual guide. Until I heard and read “the TO” my mind was free from the obscene associations discussed above. It means that when I read the lines of St John of the Cross from his ‘Spiritual Canticle: Songs between the soul and the Bridegroom’:
“In the inner wine cellar
I drank of my Beloved, and, when I went abroad through all this valley, I no longer knew anything, and lost the herd that I was following.” 

Wednesday, 5 October 2016