Thursday, 25 January 2024

Abomination of desolation

“Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)”.



An explanation: in my work I use the term “vector of abandonment”. This vector is the opposite of a vector of attachment and love. Those vectors are present in all human actions: vectors of love are holding the creation together; vectors of abandonment are destroying it. Jesus Christ is the ultimate vector of love, Love itself.


A kind of a sign

Yesterday I had a strange experience in the tiny Roman Catholic chapel after Mass. I have had murky thoughts about “abomination of desolation” after ‘Fiducia Supplicans’, a declaration that allows blessing of homosexual couples, came up[1]. In my mind I “saw” a homosexual couple standing there in the church (their silhouettes against its interior with Jesus Christ, His Mother, St Joseph and saints and angels depicted on stained glass windows) being blessed by a priest – and that sight was absolutely mad. I asked Our Lord for a sign re: “abomination of desolation” because I did not want to be presumptuous and take my thoughts for His. I was praying after Mass when suddenly something that I have never witnessed before happened: a five-year old child of some “traditional Catholics” rode into the church… on his bicycle! He rode straight to the sanctuary and, as if it was not enough, picked up his bicycle, put it into the sanctuary and began riding there. His mother came after him but not quick enough to prevent his entrance into the sanctuary. She called him yet he did not care – he was riding there behind the altar with a defiant smile so she had to pull him out of there. I did not really see her removing him, to me the event i.e. what I saw clearly was a strange ride into the Church and then – around the altar.

Looking back, I think it was a kind of a sign – not that a child himself was “an abomination” of course – but that his actions could be done only in a non-sanctuary and non-church. Indeed, if he just ran (not cycled) in for the purpose of looking at something (as children do sometimes, crawling into the sanctuary) it would be entirely different and quite normal. No, he was riding as if it was not a church at all.

Today, when I went to Mass again, the feeling was heavy and clear. I felt a presence of something dark in the corner of the sanctuary or in the Church as such. It was that “abomination of desolation” in question. I again “saw” in my mind a blessing of homosexual couple before the altar. Today’s Gospels reading contained the words of Christ “whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother”. I felt as if something hit me hard. “The will of My Father!” Suddenly I felt that the most recent action of the Roman Catholic Church, the document that allows (read “obligates”) blessing of homosexual couples, being a violation of God’s will as it is expressed in the divine revelation nullifies all that is happening in the church. I had a somewhat similar feeling after the extent of “historical” child sexual abuse in the local diocese was uncovered by the Royal Commission and, most pivotal, met with the dead silence of the congregation – but not nearly as strong. One realization was identical though: I felt that it was precisely carrying on Mass as before, by a priest and by parishioners – before the scandal of child sexual abuse and before the scandal of ‘Fiducia Supplicans’ – i.e. pretending that all is OK, with no word about what was happening – that silence was emptying the Mass, making it unreal in some sense. I felt nausea and wondered if the Eucharist was the true Body and Blood of Christ now. It became clear to me that only an open rejection, by the local church, of the heresy of ‘Fiducia Supplicans’, could put my mind at rest regarding the reality of the Body and Blood – not as a doctrine but in each church silent about ‘Fiducia Supplicans’.

Holy splitting

At last, I seem to have understood what “abomination of desolation” is, in the temples of the Holy Spirit. Abomination of desolation cannot be achieved via a clear and straightforward rejection of the will of God = His design as it is expressed in His words and then doing what one wants. Abomination of desolation is reading those words aloud in the Church, kissing the Word, the Bible which contains them, preaching them, partaking the Word, Christ in the Eucharist and then doing what one wants, in an oblique, deceitful, lying way in the same Church – like abusing the children or blessing homosexual couples. It is + and – which make 0, nothing, desolation in a temple of the Holy Spirit[2] and the whole Church.